For these chapters, we have the pleasure of Mrs Parkes reading to us! In today's adventure, Alfie has an interesting meeting and a crucial conversation with an important adult...
Mr Cains brings us the next two chapters in the story, where me meet a most peculiar lady...
In today's chapters, Miss Nott reads all about Alfie, Winnie and Dad and an overheard conversation...
In chapter 11 and 12, Mrs Smith tells us all about Winnie's interfering and Alfie's cunning plan...
In today's chapters, Alfie sees more peculiar goings-on with the Dentist and meets an oddly dressed lady in his bungalow...
Mrs Parkes is kicking things off reading the first two chapters. We hope you all enjoy the story!
In today's chapters (read by Mrs Unitt), Alfie flees an irate Winnie and gets himself involved in an unusual situation...